

Why Become An Investor

To keep the Digital Lakes momentum going and make a significant difference in the growth and vitality of our economy, by attracting top tech talent, Digital Lakes is in need of partners who believe in this mission and the potential for our state and are willing to financially support these efforts.

Digital Lakes Supports Opportunities

Annual Investors

Corporate Investors range from Platinum to Silver for companies with 10+ employees. Digital Lakes also offers a small business partnership level as well as a level specific to non-profit partners. Each level offers a list of benefits, recognition, and exclusive opportunities for the supporting company or organization.

Advisory Group Sponsorship

Digital Lakes CIO/CXO and HR advisory groups each meeting quarterly throughout the year. The opportunity to sponsor one of the Digital Lakes prominent advisory groups offers unique opportunities for organizational and individual engagement.

Digital Lakes Event Sponsorship

Digital Lakes hosts a variety of events throughout the year, each one bosting high quality professionals. Sponsorship of these events include a variety of opportunities and can be customized to the sponsor needs.



Established by a group of CIO's looking to share innovative ideas and more importantly create an environment that attracts the top tech talent for their businesses and the state.

Digital Lakes partners across industries with both private and public organizations, government, academia, and community sectors to accomplish our mission of showcasing Michigan as a premier digital hub.

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